BJU Brand Communications

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BJU Marketing produces a wide variety of work across the organization. Our primary focus is on high-visibility corporate and recruitment materials. For everything else we want to provide you with the tools you need to produce your own materials. Please consult the charts below for information on what materials we produce and what materials you can produce on your own.

Who produces print and digital materials?

Printed Materials Digital Materials Signage
We produce
  • Key university publications, materials and signage
  • Corporate marketing and branding
  • Select departmental marketing
  • Corporate websites
  • Corporate email
  • Corporate video
  • Directory signs
  • Major displays/exhibits
  • Corporate/event banners
  • Street/parking signage
You produce
  • Departmental communications
  • Personal/departmental recruitment materials*

* Due to accreditation requirements, all recruitment materials must be approved by Marketing .

You produce

To assist you with those materials you must produce yourself, Marketing can provide recommendations for local businesses and individuals that provide design, copy and print services.

If you are looking to upload content for display on campus digital signage use Digital content upload. Please include your name, department, email address and the start/end date you wish the content to be live. If you want the content to display in specific locations around campus; Welcome Center, The Den, etc. identify the locations in the description section of the upload. Email [email protected] with questions about digital signage.

We produce